Dynamic Games Outlaw Trail: The Western Game (1972)

Availability: In stock

This used game has not yet been checked to verify the contents are all there and what condition the box and contents are in.  Our focus is to get the bulk of our approximately 4000 used games up first and then evaluate the overall condition of each used/opened game.  When this is done you will see the specifications tab enabled just under the price and a little to the right for each item listing.

If you would like to purchase this game and would like to verify the game is complete, the condition of the box and contents please do email us at usedgames.ca and we will get that done for you.  If you require more information or photos please let us know. 


You play an outlaw who tries to rob enough money to "retire", wandering around the board doing the usual outlaw deeds. Once you feel rich enough, head for the border. Meanwhile, the other players have the option of hunting you down for the bounty on your head.

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