Ridpath Games Dexterity (1985)

Availability: In stock

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The play is unlike any other word game. In Dexterity, your ability to form interesting, unique and provocative words and to play intelligently is highlighted.

A unique scoring system rewards your level of achievement each round. The more challenges you are able to meet each round, the higher your score. Try it and see if you've got what it takes to be top notch!


The main object is to score the most points by skillfully forming words which your opponent(s) cannot break (i.e. change into a new word) while at the same time, cleverly breaking words belonging to your opponent(s).

Words which cannot be broken, that is, changed into new words, are called Unbreakable Words. Although the concept of Unbreakable Word is new to word games, the rules are simple and easy to grasp.

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